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Government Agencies and Mormon Influence

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“CIA has a surprising number of Mormon Church members in its employ, and the fact that many of these men had spent two years in a Mormon mission in Latin America or the Far East is not overlooked by CIA. A friend found himself back in the Mormon mission in Hong Kong after his training.”

- Patrick J. McGarvey, C.I.A.: The Myth and the Madness, 1974, p. 57

“There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of special agents of the FBI currently on the rolls and serving throughout the world who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe it is unfair to impugn them or their religion based on the activities of another individual with a common religious background. The suggestion that preferential treatment has been given or is being given to anyone based on his or her personal religious preference is totally inconsistent with exercising our rights and privileges guaranteed by the United States Constitution.”

- “U.S. Agent Accused of Espionage Reportedly Had Work Problems,” New York Times, October 5, 1985, p. 1

“Utah, because of all the returned [LDS] missionaries, leads the nation in the number of new recruits under the [FBI's] language program.”

- “FBI Slips into a More Comfortable Image,” Deseret News, December 23, 1984, p. B1

“The Mormon Church has become a fantastically potent force in the United States. It has a hand in the control of critically important institutions in this country.”

- Frances Lang, “The Mormon Empire,” Ramparts, v. 10, September 1971, p. 37

“I think that the Prophet Joseph Smith was right about the Church saving the Constitution. I believe every word of it. But I just don't know how the Lord will bring this about. Will He use good priesthood brethren in high places in the military and government to give direction and counsel to our present leaders? Or will He give the prophet a revelation for us to move ahead and take command in some sense? It's just hard to say when you don't know what the Lord's got up His sleeve. But I'm convinced that we are going to play a role like we've never before played in the shaping up of things in the world.
“I think that doors have already been opened and we've been the men the Lord has selected to walk through those doors... You put together the political, military, and ecclesiastical into a group of men and you've got super-human leaders.”

- Interview with an anonymous informant, Department of Defense, 1983, as quoted in The Mormon Corporate Empire, by John Heinerman and Anson Shupe, 1985, p. 178