the thinker

Responses to Current Issues

The Mormon Church, its leaders and its apologists continually present information that should be fact checked, analyzed and responded to. We do that with select items here.

23 February 2016 - Question & Answer Session with Elder David A. Bednar. A question from someone in Chile was, “How can homosexual members of the Church live and remain steadfast in the gospel?” Elder Bednar, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, answered, in part, by stating, "First I want to change the question. There are no homosexual members of the Church. We are not defined by sexual attraction. We are not defined by sexual behavior. We are sons and daughters of God and all of us have different challenges in the flesh." We provide our response.


18 March 2015 - Elder Christofferson: The Interview - Can Mormons Support Gay Marriage? (off-site link) - Elder D. Todd Christofferson was interviewed by the Utah TV station KUTV concerning the question "Can Mormons support gay marriage?" Most of those watching got the feeling that the answer Elder Christofferson proviided was , "Yes." The blog, Thoughts on Things and Stuff, has provided a closer look to see what he really answered and what that answer actually means.


8 February 2015 - "As if they were speaking for God" - In light of the lack of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve to emphatically and explicitly proclaim God's will and word to the world concerning contemporary concerns, such as ordaining women and LGBTQ issues, and their hiding behind the anonymous Gospel Topics essays, and their heavy use of public relations propaganda and using Newsroom to make public statements instead of official First Presidency statements, MormonThink presents an essay wondering: When do prophets and apostles speak for God?


26 November 2014 - Continuing with the recent efforts to shore up the devout who may be entertaining doubts, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint's December 2014 Ensign issue published "The Answer to All the Hard Questions," by R. Val Johnson. MormonThink provides a response.


16 November 2014 - MormonThink provides a response to those who say members should have known more about Joseph Smith's polygamy.


14 November 2014 - MormonThink's response to the Newsroom: The official publication for news media, opinion leaders and the public article, Church Provides Context for Recent Media Coverage on Gospel Topics Pages, November 11, 2014.


3 July 2014 - MormonThink's response to the Official Statement from the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - June 28, 2014.